Class PersonalisedMannequinCreatorCreate2DAvatarParameters


  • PersonalisedMannequinCreatorCreate2DAvatarParameters



avatar: null | Avatar3D = null

Optional avatar. If non is specified the avatar that was created by customise() will be used.

conversionConfig: null | string | Blob = null

Optional conversion configuration. If non is specified the default conversion config will be used.

mannequinRenderingSize: IScreenshotSize

The dimensions of the image that will be

returnNonMinifiedAvatar: boolean = true

Defines if a normal, non-minified avatar is returned as well. This avatar is only needed in the VirtualDressingRoom2D and can be omitted if only the VirtualDressingRoom2DParallax is used.

returnTryOn2DFiles: boolean = false

Wether or not the additional avatar 2D asset files will be returned. Required to use the avatar for a try-on.

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